I put the question out on Instagram as to what held you back from using oils. over and over again it was cost….
So I thought I would pop in here the reasons I chose to go with Young Living over other companies and why I prioritise my monthly wellness box over other things in my monthly family budget!
For me there were a few things that made Young Living stand out:
- the endeavour to ensure their oils are as pure as possible – their use of third party testing and the frequency of testing through every stage of the process. They call this their ‘Seed to Seal’ and you can read more about it here. This is also a fabulous Facebook page with loads of information and stats if that is your thing!
- the value they place on choosing farms which fit their ethos; farms which are sustainable, ethical and give back to the communities to which they belong…check out these farms in Asia and look at the reasons Young Living chose to partner with them. Paying workers a fair wage and ensuring no pesticides are used on the plants – with fields often being weeded by hand!
- if the oils they test don’t make the grade then they withdraw them from stock rather than sell knowingly oils that are not up to standard.
With all this information I will happily pay to get a premium oil…if I want the benefits and support that these plants will bring then I want to pay for them in a way that is sustainable, ethical to the communities and supports local workers.
I can support my family through the monthly wellness box – at a minimum spend of £50 per month, and earning back 20% on each month’s spend. I see it as shaving off £10 per week from my supermarket shop – and I get my cleaning products, health support, make up all delivered to my door!
If you would like to know more or to grab a starter kit and join our growing community here in the UK then head here…..