Johnny’s back at work and we have a bit of time before the girls are back.
The summer is slowly slipping away and I’m glad we made the most of the opportunities to be free from time restraints and allow the girls to just be;
be giggly
be loud
be energetic
be chilled out
be free.
Those slow, lazy mornings were savoured and enjoyed.
In spite of that though, part of me is always glad to get back into some rhythms again; maybe because we live our lives by the clock a lot of the time, the summer is the absolute opposite; a life without structure.
This week I’m planning to ease the girls into some rhythms to make the transition back to school a little easier.
I read this and loved the idea of a content rich home…I’ve always been a bit of a home bird and I want my girls to love where they are; for it to be a place where they feel free to be creative, learn about life and explore new ideas.
So here’s what my plan for the next week is:
book rich:
a basket full of books || a quiet time of reading every day after they’re washed and ready for the day.
audio cds || we’re hitting the library this afternoon and as well as some books for their basket we’re going to get some cds for their down time
novels || because it’s so light these nights and they’re playing out til a bit later, reading to them has been squeezed into a short story or out altogether…we’re going to get back into our wee night time snuggles and stories
mind rich:
i have set out a few things from their last years work that I want to go over before they go back into school…we’ve done bits and pieces of mental maths and spellings here and there over the last couple of months but we’re going to sit down and have a regular wee space to do this each day before school starts back up
after lunch we’re going to have a bit of down time, to do something quietly and alone…i don’t mind what that is or where it is but just a break from everyone else!
body rich:
get outside as much as possible…whether that’s with their friends outside or a walk or cycle as our wee family; a bit of fresh air before the classroom walls contain.
Little rhythms, each not too long and lots a part of their summer months anyway (just not in a set structure or a directed activity) so nothing very new, but more a time to ease back into the normal rhythms of school term and to help them settle a little more easily to structure and daily routine.
I’ll let you know how we get on!!