This week after reading this article, I have endeavoured to create more space in our day for some routines that will help settle the girls back into some rhythms for school.
There have been things that have worked and things that are harder…routines that need more time to establish than a few days.
So we did our best; some structure, whilst trying to balance it with the freedom of the last days of summer and the loveliness of days free of time restraints. It worked ok and flexibility reigned as days of baking and walking in the forest with friends maybe took the place of the library and a set table routine.
I have read a couple of school related articles, this one which I have to say I wholeheartedly agree with and this one, which I love elements of.
I am always torn at this time of year…the newness of a school year and the excitement that it holds for the girls and the loss of time to just be. The laid back side of my nature finds such soul restoration in the summer months.
The other side of the coin is that, a lot of time in each others company (which they’re not used to) leads to my all time big trigger…bickering, teasing and a general unkindness to each other.
That gentleness I try to employ in my parenting seems to fly out the window in an instant!
So I think the rhythms of the year are a great thing…rest and restoration where they are needed, both for us and the girls. Restorative so that when they reach an end we are upbeat about the year ahead.