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a natural home

a simple switch

low tox living

We are the gatekeepers to our own homes. We get to decide what goes in. We shouldn’t have to choose between your health and products. We should be able to have a beautiful smelling home that is clean that doesn’t harm your body.

Things to consider:

1. Personal care products are made with over 10,000 chemical ingredients – some of which are linked to cancer and disrupt the endocrine system.

2. The skin is our largest organ and we we put on our skin is absorbed in our bloodstream.

3. The average person exposes themselves to 125 toxic chemicals a day.

4. The word ‘fragrance’ can cover a multitude of ingredients which companies do not have to disclose.


A safe, one stop natural, plant-based cleaner 

how to

Ways of using our Thieves cleaning range on the Young Living blog


The Young Living Thieves range offers a healthy alternative for all your cleaning needs. From the household cleaner to laundry and dish soap.

The products are concentrate and can be diluted. Strong, natural products! By switching out money from cleaning products in your weekly shop you can transfer that to your Young Living order. 


You can get your hands on our thieves starter bundle



you need to be signed up as a member to get wholesale prices